What are women looking for in a man?
It’s time for real men
It’s time for real men

Women are not after bad boys. Neither do we dream of adult-size, emotionally distant, immature, anti-commitment man-boys pulling our hair or lifting up our skirts like they do in school. We’re not after a free ride on an emotional roller coaster with all its highs and lows and all the adrenaline rush that comes with it.

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6 things women obsess over that men couldn’t care less about
6 things women obsess over that men couldn’t care less about

It’s natural to worry about making a good impression or trying to please someone we fancy. We all want to put our best foot forward and there’s a lot that can go wrong, which we’d prefer to avoid, so we tend to stress a little too much about certain things. The good news is you can stop worrying now because men really do not care about the following things:

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